1. Donate online, as follows:
Go to (or
Choose frequency of donation. Donors interested in a monthly recurring gift should choose “Monthly.”
For Designation, choose “Staff Support.”
A box will pop up that says “Staff Name or Project Number.” Type in Missionary’s Name, project# 003474.
Type in the amount to give, along with any comments.
Complete the billing information. Donors can use either a debit/credit card or a checking account.
Complete the donation information.
Complete the information and select “Preview.” Review the donation and choose “Donate.”
2. Write a check, made out to NICS/OASIS, and mail it in to the NICS office. To do this, be sure to put the
missionary’s Project Number (#003474) on the memo line of your check. Do not put the missionary’s name on
the check (per IRS requirements).
Mail the check to: NICS/OASIS, Finance Dept., 3790 Goodman Rd E, Southaven, MS 38672.
Donors are mailed a receipt after they make a donation. This receipt has a tear-off portion (and a return envelope) if they wish to make another donation.
3. Complete the recurring donation form and scan and e-mail it to Kim Ponder (, or mail it in
to the NICS home office at the address mentioned above.
Click this link to access the form: Automatic Donation Form.
4. Call the NICS Finance Department, any time between 8 -5, Monday thru Friday, to make one-time donations or to
set up a recurring donation over the phone. The direct number for Kim Ponder is 662-892-4332.