4 Months Till Go-Time!
Hello Friends & Family!
I put together a little sneak peak at what I will be doing in the four months leading up to when I leave for Indonesia. Naomi and I drive back to Houghton, NY at the beginning of June and I leave for Indonesia at the end of July. If anyone would like to try and see me as I head across the country (I mapped out our route in the picture), we would love to make a stop to see you.

Thank you for the continued prayers for my dad. For anyone who doesn't know, my dad injured his eye on Easter while packing up the car for their roadtrip out to California. Needless to say, they took a trip to the emergency room instead. Multiple surgeries and appointments later, he is recovering at home. You can read a full update on my prayer request page: click here.
Thank you all for your prayers and support! Hope to hear from you!
In Him,